The Valentí Claverol Foundation

<p>Valentí Claverol,</p>
<p>La mirada Fràgil,</p>
<p>Andorra 1930-1970</p>

Valentí Claverol,

La mirada Fràgil,

Andorra 1930-1970

available through the Foundation


Based in Andorra, The Valenti Claverol Foundation becomes the natural heir to the Valenti Claverol Archives that were founded in 1970 by photographer Valenti Claverol Cirici and his son Josep Claverol Sesplugas. Today, the foundation houses the lifelong work of Valenti Claverol and his father, pioneer Andorran photographer José Claverol. The combined body of work encompassing over 7000 negatives and prints as well as a very important part of the history of the Principality in cinematographic format represents almost a century's worth of images both still and in movement. This immense collection is in itself part of the history of Andorra. José Claverol took the oldest photograph of the Archives in 1874. The earliest images in cinematographic format within the collections date as of 1932.

The Amadeo Bordalba collection is acquired by the Foundation in 2012. 258 glass negatives of photographs taken between 1904 and 1918 now form part of the Foundation’s permanent collection.

The laborious task of dating and classifying the negatives was modified through the years with the evolution of computer-based tools. In early 1998, The Valenti Claverol Archives began its digitalization program. Today, all the photographs in held by the foundation are stored on CD-ROM. This state-of-the-art system allows information to be transmitted in electronic or paper format without having to manipulate the sensitive old glass slides and prints (...)

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Further to a request made to the Andorran Government for constituting as a Private Foundation, The Valenti Claverol Foundation succeeds the Valenti Claverol Archives in April 2009


Through its President  and board of Trustees, The Foundation takes over the role of divulging, explaining and making available to the public, the immense photographic and cinematographic legacy left by Valenti Claverol Cirici and José Claverol.

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08 November 2021

Bordalba inèdit

La Fundació Claverol obre per primera vegada el fons del fotògraf lleidatà: 258 plaques de vidre d’entre el 1904 i el 1918.

02 August 2021

Claverol, fotògraf capital

Andorra la Vella programa per la festa major una retrospectiva de la gran referència de la fotografia andorrana del segon terç del segle XX.

©2025 Fundació Valentí Claverol - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED